My heart broke last week when my friend Olivia delivered the news that her beautiful daughters hips were abnormal. They had been referred for more tests. Most of you are aware that, at 7 days old, my daughter River was diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia. Her treatment plan was to be strapped into a harness for 24 hours a day for…
Easter ABC Gifts : Anything But Chocolate
Easter. I’d be the first one to tell you there is nothing wrong with chocolate (*picture entire blocks inhaled whilst hiding in the pantry from my toddler) but if, like me, you like a little balance in your life let me introduce you to my Easter ABC Gifts : Anything But Chocolate. Where possible I like to support NZ owned and operated businesses so you will…
Spontaneous Adventure Car Kit
Summer forgot us this year, but last Friday it arrived! I found the car almost driving itself to the shores of Lake Hayes to dip its toes in the water. Me, Hunter, River and the Pup were on an adventure. Normally I would need All The Things, so we would have to go home first….
Randomberry Chia Seed Jam
We have an amazing amount of dark red berries growing in our garden. The jury is still out on whether they are Blackberries, Tayberries or Boysenberries but what we do know is they taste so good. Here’s a sugar free jam recipe I made to try and make these beauties last a little longer. Randomberry…