Hi, I’m Jana.
Mother to two little buttons, aged 2.5 & 1. Yup, small age gap there. Yes, I have my hands full. Did I mention we have a rather bouncy dog as well?
I’m originally from Wellington and after 10 years in Auckland, my husband & I moved to Arrowtown, that was 4 years ago, and things have been busy ever since. I look forward to opening the doors into our life through this column and showing you around. Grab a cuppa and join me.
Little Gems
Given the festive season is upon us, tick tock, I want to inspire you to look at your children these holidays. Really look. Notice the little things that might not be there tomorrow. Then, once they are tucked up in bed, put your photos onto slideshow and marvel at what you have created, because aren’t they just simply amazing? Maybe your journey into parenting has just begun, or maybe your children just walked through your door holding their own kids. If you’ve loved a child, in any capacity, you’ll know how fast time slips through your fingers.
My babies are growing so fast, they’ll never be exactly as they were today, and time is changing me, too. Between the night waking and the rolling round of another Christmas (and all it encompasses) I need to take stock of all the little gems I love about my children. Perhaps I won’t always remember things quite so easily. When they’re 5, 23, 40, will I still remember the way their freshly minted faces catch the sun?
My son, it’s your energy and zest for life. There’s no gentle introduction to your waking. Hello, your eyes open and you are ready for it all. Faster and faster you shriek from your bike (while I plan out the fastest route to the A&E). Higher and higher you climb up the nearest tree. And you’ll always find the biggest tree too; adventure is your Middle Name. And while I’ll never lack for an adrenaline rush while you’re around, you also have a quiet and tender side, especially when feeding the farm animals. I love the way your laugh bubbles nervously as the goats reach for your fingers.
There is nothing greater than watching your children attain mastery. Their little legs and nappy clad bottom, padding off into another room for the first time, the words that come slowly at first but then tumble out of their mouths in a river.
Little guy, you have all the questions! I love the way they offer an insight into your world: “Why are there bees in the trees?” Because they need the flowers to make honey.” “Ah yes! I see, Mum, honey for our toast!” I love witnessing the moment something “clicks” and the pleasure this gives you, and in turn me. Your language is so advanced now, but secretly I hope you keep saying cue-ka-number (your sister’s favourite food) forever. It’s watching you in the garden with the hose, filling up the watering can and gently watering the seedlings that you are growing with your Dad. Or heading out to the mailbox riding on his shoulders. And I love my helper in the kitchen, making sure all the bowls are licked super clean and everything is taste-tested to perfection!
These are the things that make up our now. What are the things that make up your now? Between rushing and making lists and shopping and the endless myriad of Things To Get Done I’ve challenged myself to just STOP and take notice.
And then there’s my littlest love, my baby girl. How did we ever live without you!! You have the most amazing laughter. There’s one for our pets, one for your parents Peek-a-boo jokes, and my favourite, the squealing laugh you save only for your brother. It’s so contagious.
It’s your newly walking body pushing the doll’s pram at high speed. You forget it’s not made for you as you squeeze your squishy limbs in and then look around happily, waiting for someone to come and push you. It’s your thigh rolls spilling out of your bloomers and your shaggy hair at the bottom of your bonnet.
You feed your brother off your plate, and invite him into your cot so that you can play ice cream shops together, because you know it’s his favourite game. You and your brother can be as different as night and day, but you both know you have a better time when you’re together. This love for each other makes my eyes well up and my heart swell. I hope you’ll always share this bond.
My babies we have experienced snow falling on our noses, sunshine beating down on your round bellies & we have danced in the autumn leaves. We are doing life together. And life feels so good.
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